Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Times

Here's a random assortment of pictures for your viewing pleasure! They range from before Christmas on....Enjoy! :-)
Gotta give credit to Ruth for this picture and a couple others. I stole them from her Facebook! Brooke was hungry and decided to fry me up! lol...have you ever seen such a ginormous frying pan?! :P
Me, Ruth, and Karen--At our Christmas with Tim and Becka's family

Playing Mexican Train Dominos at our Christmas

Mom and Sammy at our family Christmas. We had it at Brian and Miranda's with their family and Mom and Dad and the kids! Awesome to see them all again after 5 long months away from my Mommy and Daddy! haha:)

Dad reading the Bible--Christmas story maybe?--with the gorgeously decorated Christmas tree in the background. Miranda is a talented decorating lady!

My family is shrinking! There were only 6 of us siblings at our Christmas this year.

New Years 2009-Diana, Lyssa, Rhesa, Brooke, and Me. A bunch of kids--Over 100 of us--went up to Van and Laura Matsons' for their annual party. It was tons of fun even tho I had to get up at 5 in the morning and probably shouldn't have even went! Oh're only young once, right?
I guess a part of their tradition is to make a giant sign with the last year on it so that everybody can shoot it up at midnight. So there was a huge 2008 made out of Christmas lights. After all the guys were done shooting a bunch of us girls shot Branden's pistol. I didn't want to cuz I thought I'd probably shoot someone, but surprisingly I didn't! :) And it was fun, so I'll hafta take him up on his offer of shooting lessons!

Sabrina's sweeping skills. We figured that nobody would find the dirt if she shoved it up under the cupboard there! Not sure how long it stayed before it actually got picked up...Lyssa pry didn't let it sit on her floor too long i'm assuming! :D

Lisa sweetly posed for me at Starbucks. Isn't she just beautiful?!:)
Haha...Brooke and I went to Seaside one day because we were bored! So fun to do spontaneous things. This sign had a meaning when i took the picture, but I really can't remember what! Something that two over-caffeinated girls thought was hilarious anyways!

A big boat somewhere along the way on the drive to Seaside. I stupidly left my camera in the car when we were actually walking around town and down on the beach. So I wasn't able to get any good pictures of the water or our sand drawings-just some fuzzy ones on my phone. But it was a gorgeous day! Sunny and warm-50 degrees-with no wind! Couldn't believe it'd be so nice there in the middle of January!


  1. Those are the best pictures ever!! Happy?:D

  2. Like how Lisa's head is perfectly framed there! :P And cute background :)

  3. Now we'll need to go sometime when we're rich and stay the weekend! :)
